22 July 2010

Thursday Afternoon Daybook

Outside my window...

It has been raining a lot lately...


I think I need to get out my energy

I'm thinking...

How the dishwasher isn't working correctly.

I'm currently reading...

Well, I started Emma by Jane Austen.

I'm listening to...

My dear Gab practicing her flute. I think she's practicing this song.

I'm wearing...

Jeans (I guess they're just the easiest thing to put on...), a swim team shirt

I'm looking forward to...

My birthday! (and Champs!)

I'm hoping...

That I'll be able to get a Viola for good soon. I guess I didn't tell you guys that I play Viola and Piano. I'm getting new Viola...actually, I'm borrowing one right now. It's an inch and a half bigger then the old one. The only problem is that the new one is probably at least a little overpriced....in my opinion. We're looking around for one that is good quality and not to very expensive.

Yesterday, I...

Waited in the pool parking lot over an hour while it thunder stormed during the swim meet.

Around the house…

Not much is going on.

I'm hungry for...


The song stuck inside my head is…

Well....Gab's playing a different song right now. Don't know what it's called....but I guess you could call it stuck in my head.

I love…

Ice cream!

I loathe...

Bad pictures of myself...

From the kitchen…

No one's cooking at the moment. Even last night no dinner was cooked there. Last night we ate at the swim meet....and guess what we ate! PIZZA! I probably like pizza a little too much...

School right now…


What we’re planning for this week…

Annette and Josie are going to a birthday party tomorrow, so Gab and I might have a friend over...we'll see.

I am thankful for…



Rebecca said...

ROFL. We had homemade pizza for dinner last night. Except we have to make 6-7 LARGE pizzas. (We cook them on the flat air bake and they cover them.) My little brother always says "Pizza's good, pizza's great, put a little on my plate." Whatever. :P

Olivia said...

Wow. That's a LOT of pizza...

Marina said...

which song?

Olivia said...

I don't know. It's just one of the many songs that you play!