31 January 2011

Cooking Competition 1-30-'11

After taking a verrryy long break from CCs, we're finally back into competition-mode again, and Vivi and I agree that this is probably the best one (CC) so far (nothing turned out really gross, and there were no major mistakes).

Secret ingredient: Pretzels

Team #1: Me (Gab), Emilie, Josie
Team #2: Vivi, Micah, Annette, Carter

Entry #1: Chocolate Chip Pretzel Cookie Bars
Entry #2: Green Pretzel Cupcakes

Here's a little vid I made really quickly. I know it's like all Team 2, but I only got pictures and stuff of them because, naturally, I was helping my team out while we were cooking. :P Also, the quality is really bad because I took all of it on my iPod. Don't ask me why Team 2 chose to use the table instead of the island.

Next time, I will definitely get better pictures and a lot more. Ugh...I can hardly stand the poor quality (Micah, don't even try to watch it).

(If you're having trouble watching it, go to the youtube site to watch it.)

Isn't it obvious who won? Right. Team one.

Vivi- But come on! Ours looks the best, right?

29 January 2011

Saturday Morning Daybook - Jan. 29

(hosted by Miss Jo March at Scraps From My Workbasket)
Date... 29 January
Starting time... 9:26am
Mood...uh, cold
Outside my window...There's still snow on the ground from when it snowed yesterday, although some of it's melted.
I'm thinking...that logic is too complicated.
I'm currently reading...Words of Delight for literature. :P
I'm listening to...Bug and Vivi bantering in the kitchen.
I'm wearing...jeans, grayish/pinkish shirt, gray sweatshirt
I'm looking forward to...co-op Tuesday.
I'm hoping...for another little brother.
Yesterday, I...watched went bowling with some friends and watched The Secret of Moonacre. It was pretty good...
I'm hungry for...something salty.
The song stuck inside my head is...NY2LA by Press Play
I love...22-month-old baby brothers.
I loathe...having Vitamin D deficiency, low blood volume, and low blood sugar. (I got my blood drawn on Wednesday)
This week, my goal is...memorize the latin logic thingy!
Did I meet last week's goal?...YES, I think.
Ending time... 10:57am (yeah, I took a...rather long break in between)

28 January 2011

One little thing...

Thanks for the prayers. :) Just wanted to let y'all know that...


Thanks again!

24 January 2011

2nd Hearing

Today we went to Richmond for the second hearing. Erick and his dad testified (and did a great job), and they had enough votes for the bill to pass (have I mentioned the "Kings" have been on the News already TWICE in the past few days?). But the Chairman of the committee is, apparently, on the VHSL board (Virginia high school league) and made an agreement with the vice president that, because he knew it would have enough votes to pass, they would suggest putting the bill into a "study" this summer--basically studying how the other states have made this work (COME ON!! 25 states have made this work. Complexity argument? CRUSHED.). And naturally, everyone went with the Chairman and liked the study idea.

We all know this bill is going to pass someday. The question is when.
And it better be sooner rather than later. Already I've missed the first year of HS. <-- I'm not kidding: This is DEPRESSING.

EDIT: Uhh...this is Vivi, and I know this is off topic, but I wanted to ask for your prayers because today I have a seating audition for orchestra...so...yeah. :)

22 January 2011

Saturday Morning Daybook - Jan. 22

(hosted by Miss Jo March at Scraps From My Workbasket)
Date... 22 January
Starting time... 10:48am
Mood...excited for Monday!
Outside my window...It was 12 degrees last night.
I'm thinking...that the Homeschool-Sports bill really needs to be passed. Come on, Homeschoolers!!
I'm currently reading...Don't ask.
I'm listening to...iPod in kitchen, sounds of family in kitchen (<-- the constant "sounds of family", huh?)
I'm wearing...jeans, blue plaid shirt
I'm looking forward to...Monday!! (as if you didn't guess...)
I'm hoping...and praying so hard...
Yesterday, I...watched Night at the Museum. You should watch it!
I'm hungry for...nothing. (I mean, I'm hungry, but I don't feel like eating.)
The song stuck inside my head is...none
I love...when my friends get on NBC29.
I loathe...major leaks
This week, my goal is...to turn in a music essay that is NOT awful or junk
Did I meet last week's goal?...didn't do this last week...
Ending time... 10:59am

20 January 2011

Thursday Afternoon Daybook

Outside my window...

It's bright and sunny...but cold...


Excited and Exhausted

I'm thinking...

About the thingy (don't know what to call it) on Monday...

I'm currently reading...

Waking Rose....still....it takes a while when you have tons of history reading...

I'm listening to...

Gab's chair creaking, Josie talking, Mom's playing some sort of music on her computer...

I'm wearing...

Striped pink sweater, jean skirt....that is....that's what I have on now...I had to change because I got oil on my previous outfit. :P

I'm looking forward to...

Tomorrow and Monday

I'm hoping...

The the thing on Monday will go well!! (and that my history reading will get done)

Yesterday, I...

Had an unexpectedly pleasant day...I had less school then I thought I would...

Around the house…

Mom and Bug are playing around, the Christmas stuff is finally pretty much gone, little feet walk all over...

I'm hungry for...

Not hungry...just ate

The song stuck inside my head is…

I bought Hosanna by Hillsong United on iTunes recently...I love that song! It reminds me of Ignite.

I love…

Music! (is that what I put last time??)

I loathe...

Feeling weird...do you know what I mean?

From the kitchen…

I just made myself lunch. It took a while...I wanted a Greek Salad, but we didn't have any dressing. So I started making the dressing...and then knocked it over, spilt all over (including on my clothes...that's why I changed), and I had to almost completely redo it.

School right now…

TONS. Science (I read the last 5 pages of a module before the 6 before them by accident), writing (Final Copy of music paper = lots of hours of work), history (studying David and Solomon and have tons of reading), logic (EXAM THIS WEEK)....

What we’re planning for this week…

School, uhh...monday the thingy (still don't know what to call it)...

I am thankful for…

New days. I'm glad tomorrow won't be today.

Calling All Homeschoolers:

We need you guys to come to Richmond at 9am on Monday. The homeschooler-sports-thing bill will go the general assembly, and supposedly "Rob Bell wants to pack the room".

Today it passed 7-1 subcommittee; last year, it passed 5-4. Chairman of the subcommittee commented in favor of the bill.

So far, the Department of Defense Schools (thanks, Polly) and 17 states allow equal access to public school sports and classes: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and Wyoming. Now we have to work on the 33 remaining states. :P

See you on Monday.

EDIT: By the way, Erick King (Sean, Rosaline's wacko cousin from B&J) is testifying.

19 January 2011

In Richmond at 7:30am tomorrow....

A bill that would allow homeschoolers in Virginia to be on public school sports teams is having its first hearing, and Mr. King (Erick [Sean] King's dad) is testifying!!


(prayers would be greatly appreciated)

15 January 2011

In case you haven't noticed...

...this blog has been under construction! So if you show up and the background's gone, the header's messed up, or the blog is just all mixed up then you'll know why.

You KNOW you're a swimmer when...

-You get excited when your coach has practice at 7 am because you get to sleep in.
-You have never experienced what they call an “off-season”.
-You complain if the water is warmer than 81 degrees F.
-TAPER--A godsend
-You actually love pain.
-You can leave the wall in the middle of a sentence, come back to the wall, and pick up the conversation right where you left off.
-You cringe when you think about New Year’s Eve.
-You would win an eating contest against a football player.
-You constantly have cuts and bruises on the back of your right hand from trying to do butterfly in the end lane.
-The phrase "This set with fins" is better than hearing "You just won $1000."
-You almost gotten into a fight with the lane line during that backstroke set in the summer.
-You have permanent raccoon eyes
-You have wet clothes/towels hanging on every available doorknob in your room
-There is no such thing as a low-carb diet.
-You know of at least 5 different ways to adjust your goggles in advance of diving in for warm-up.
-You barely recognize fellow swimmers when they have dry hair and normal clothes on.
-You always smell like chlorine
-Your skin is ALWAYS dry.
-You can eat whatever you want and not gain a single pound.
-You have a permanent suit tan.
-You find yourself doing random shoulder stretches at random times during the day.
-You pretty much know how many tiles there are from one end of the pool to the other.
-You dread vacation.
-You know who Justin Case is, and you love looking for him.
-When you go to the pool with friends, you can’t help but to break out a few strokes and/or flip turns.
-You critique the way people swim on TV or movies, because their technique is just AWFUL.

*I did not make all of these up...

14 January 2011

Dear Everyone,

For a special birthday present, we all gave Annette a blog! But hers isn't a normal blog...it's a business blog where she can make jewelry and try to sell it. So...please go and check it out for her!

Happy Birthday, Annette!

Today is Annette's 12th birthday!

Annette, we love you!

Artistic -- Annette is probably the most crafty and artistic in our family...so if you want some new kind of duct tape iPod carrier, then call her...

Neat -- Don't get me wrong...Annette is not a particularly organized person, but I meant neat as in interesting...Annette has so many different characters that it's almost hard to decide which one is the real her...but then...thinking on that...you could say that all of them are the real her.

Neighborly -- I know...it was so hard to find a N word that I just went with this...but it is true. Annette loves to be friendly and we think she's going to be a great babysitter soon, because she's so good with kids.

Exciting -- You are a very exciting person, Annette...and not only are you exciting, you often are excited!

T-E-E-R-R-R-R-I-I-F-F-I-I-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C (T double E double R double R double I double F double I double CCCC)

Talk-a-tive -- Though you may not be as talk-a-tive as I am, I do believe you're talk-a-tive...that is, if you want to be. :P

Extraordinary Sister -- Annette, believe me...we will NEVER have a sister like you. :)

13 January 2011

Thursday Afternoon Daybook

Outside my window...

It's sunny...and cold. We got snow recently, but BARELY ANY...and the schools got a two-hour delay! Imagine!


Secretive. ;)

I'm thinking...

About one of Annette's birthday presents...her birthday is tomorrow...

I'm currently reading...

Uhh...do you really want to know? Well...umm...ya see...I didn't have anything to read so I picked up The Shadow of the Bear and read it, but you can't just stop there...so I did Black as Night and now I'm on Waking Rose...so yeah.

I'm listening to...

Pandora on my iPod. I LOVE PANDORA!

I'm wearing...

Blue shirt with a black shirt layered over it, jeans...and I used to have dolphin earrings on, but I took them off and forgot to put them back on...

I'm looking forward to...

Annette's birthday!

I'm hoping...

That my music paper will be good....

Yesterday, I...

Hmm...I did a study guide and module test...and the schools got a 2-hour delay...and we had to miss Gators

Around the house…

Still a mess...haven't had a good chance to clean everything up...

I'm hungry for...

There's leftover in the oven...and I'm STARVING!

The song stuck inside my head is…

The songs keep changing on Pandora, so it's hard to get one single song stuck in my head

I love…

When I blow dry my hair. I know...I said before that I love wet hair, but that was when I had very long hair...since I've cut it, I like it better dry and straight...

I loathe...

When my hair is slightly damp and slightly dry (and it's drying naturally) and it's frizzy...

From the kitchen…

Pizza coming out of the oven!

School right now…

I still have writing and history today...and probably more...I don't know all I have right now...

What we’re planning for this week…

School, Annette's birthday/birthday party...

I am thankful for…

PIZZA...I am so hungry!!

10 January 2011

Who'd of Thunk?

Who'd of thunk...(yes, I know--improper grammar. But that's how Mom would say it...)

That a mere clementine...
...could be such hard work...
...and yet still...
...bring so much joy. :)

There's a clementine or "ball" addiction going on around here. Somebody (I won't mention any names) has been eating 4-5 five of them...A DAY! I mean, seriously! That's a lot for a little boy! (oh great...now I've given it away) And to think that eating it isn't even the best part...peeling it is just as or more fun.