10 January 2011

Who'd of Thunk?

Who'd of thunk...(yes, I know--improper grammar. But that's how Mom would say it...)

That a mere clementine...
...could be such hard work...
...and yet still...
...bring so much joy. :)

There's a clementine or "ball" addiction going on around here. Somebody (I won't mention any names) has been eating 4-5 five of them...A DAY! I mean, seriously! That's a lot for a little boy! (oh great...now I've given it away) And to think that eating it isn't even the best part...peeling it is just as or more fun.


Näna said...

I'm with Bug! Clementine are wonderful! I do eat 4-5 a day (when we have them...they don't last long around here:)

Madeleine said...

Everyone LOVES clementines at our house.....Mom usually gets two or three bags a week from Sam's.

Olivia said...

I think we've been getting them somewhere that has it on sale...we're a little scared what's going to happen when Clementine season is done! :)

Katie said...

Bug is so cute!

Ah, we also have a clementine lover in our house- my little sister. Those fruits disappear SO fast in our house. ;)

Anonymous said...

Actually, you mom would say "Who'd a thunk." That's how it's properly said.

Mrs. Coulter aka Mom

Anonymous said...

Ahh...Bug does have cuties! He is so cute! In our house apples go so fast. We haven't really had clemontines for a LONG time!