29 January 2011

Saturday Morning Daybook - Jan. 29

(hosted by Miss Jo March at Scraps From My Workbasket)
Date... 29 January
Starting time... 9:26am
Mood...uh, cold
Outside my window...There's still snow on the ground from when it snowed yesterday, although some of it's melted.
I'm thinking...that logic is too complicated.
I'm currently reading...Words of Delight for literature. :P
I'm listening to...Bug and Vivi bantering in the kitchen.
I'm wearing...jeans, grayish/pinkish shirt, gray sweatshirt
I'm looking forward to...co-op Tuesday.
I'm hoping...for another little brother.
Yesterday, I...watched went bowling with some friends and watched The Secret of Moonacre. It was pretty good...
I'm hungry for...something salty.
The song stuck inside my head is...NY2LA by Press Play
I love...22-month-old baby brothers.
I loathe...having Vitamin D deficiency, low blood volume, and low blood sugar. (I got my blood drawn on Wednesday)
This week, my goal is...memorize the latin logic thingy!
Did I meet last week's goal?...YES, I think.
Ending time... 10:57am (yeah, I took a...rather long break in between)


Unknown said...

Is the Moonacre movie based on "The Little White Horse" by Elizabeth Goudge???

Marina said...

Yes! At least, I don't know who it's by, but I remember that book title as the one it was based on. :P

Have you watched it?