20 January 2011

Calling All Homeschoolers:

We need you guys to come to Richmond at 9am on Monday. The homeschooler-sports-thing bill will go the general assembly, and supposedly "Rob Bell wants to pack the room".

Today it passed 7-1 subcommittee; last year, it passed 5-4. Chairman of the subcommittee commented in favor of the bill.

So far, the Department of Defense Schools (thanks, Polly) and 17 states allow equal access to public school sports and classes: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and Wyoming. Now we have to work on the 33 remaining states. :P

See you on Monday.

EDIT: By the way, Erick King (Sean, Rosaline's wacko cousin from B&J) is testifying.


Emilie said...

What is happening on monday? Because I thought it was all happening thursday...???

Marina said...

It goes to the general assembly on Monday. It will most certainly be a "heated debate"...

Polly said...

That would be terrific! We will be praying. DODS (Department of Defense Schools, e.g. army, navy, etc. schools) also allow homeschoolers to participate. That's not another state, but it is good.

Marina said...

That's great! I'll add that. ;)