31 January 2011

Cooking Competition 1-30-'11

After taking a verrryy long break from CCs, we're finally back into competition-mode again, and Vivi and I agree that this is probably the best one (CC) so far (nothing turned out really gross, and there were no major mistakes).

Secret ingredient: Pretzels

Team #1: Me (Gab), Emilie, Josie
Team #2: Vivi, Micah, Annette, Carter

Entry #1: Chocolate Chip Pretzel Cookie Bars
Entry #2: Green Pretzel Cupcakes

Here's a little vid I made really quickly. I know it's like all Team 2, but I only got pictures and stuff of them because, naturally, I was helping my team out while we were cooking. :P Also, the quality is really bad because I took all of it on my iPod. Don't ask me why Team 2 chose to use the table instead of the island.

Next time, I will definitely get better pictures and a lot more. Ugh...I can hardly stand the poor quality (Micah, don't even try to watch it).

(If you're having trouble watching it, go to the youtube site to watch it.)

Isn't it obvious who won? Right. Team one.

Vivi- But come on! Ours looks the best, right?


Unknown said...

Yes, Vivi, y'all's does look the best ;) *wink*

Despite the poor quality, that was a very entertaining vid production :D

Marina said...

Well of course. :P