13 January 2011

Thursday Afternoon Daybook

Outside my window...

It's sunny...and cold. We got snow recently, but BARELY ANY...and the schools got a two-hour delay! Imagine!


Secretive. ;)

I'm thinking...

About one of Annette's birthday presents...her birthday is tomorrow...

I'm currently reading...

Uhh...do you really want to know? Well...umm...ya see...I didn't have anything to read so I picked up The Shadow of the Bear and read it, but you can't just stop there...so I did Black as Night and now I'm on Waking Rose...so yeah.

I'm listening to...

Pandora on my iPod. I LOVE PANDORA!

I'm wearing...

Blue shirt with a black shirt layered over it, jeans...and I used to have dolphin earrings on, but I took them off and forgot to put them back on...

I'm looking forward to...

Annette's birthday!

I'm hoping...

That my music paper will be good....

Yesterday, I...

Hmm...I did a study guide and module test...and the schools got a 2-hour delay...and we had to miss Gators

Around the house…

Still a mess...haven't had a good chance to clean everything up...

I'm hungry for...

There's leftover in the oven...and I'm STARVING!

The song stuck inside my head is…

The songs keep changing on Pandora, so it's hard to get one single song stuck in my head

I love…

When I blow dry my hair. I know...I said before that I love wet hair, but that was when I had very long hair...since I've cut it, I like it better dry and straight...

I loathe...

When my hair is slightly damp and slightly dry (and it's drying naturally) and it's frizzy...

From the kitchen…

Pizza coming out of the oven!

School right now…

I still have writing and history today...and probably more...I don't know all I have right now...

What we’re planning for this week…

School, Annette's birthday/birthday party...

I am thankful for…

PIZZA...I am so hungry!!

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