01 July 2010

Thanks so much, Katie, for awarding us!

The rules are that you answer the person who tagged you's questions, and then make up ten of your own.

1. What are you wearing? My swimsuit....just got home from a meet.

2. What time did you wake up this morning? 6:45...for practice.

3. What is your favorite song? Oh my goodness....I'm sorry, but I can't decide.

4. Favorite Broadway play? I like lots: Fiddler on the Roof, My Fair Lady, Oklahoma, and much, much more....

5. What color are your nails painted? They're chipping...but what's remaining is pinkish peachish.

6. What room are you in? The Kitchen.

7. What's your favorite animal? Dogs.

8. Favorite school subject? I must say....WRITING!

9. Favorite month? July???

10. Favorite holiday? Easter?? Christmas?? I can't decide....

Now for my questions...:

1. How may siblings do you have? 4...and I REALLY want more...

2. Your hair at the moment....: Is wet...and messy. :)

3. What do you want? To play with my friends...and to have a Mac!

(Continued....I started this post last night but never finished it....so the answers from now on will be from this morning.)

4. What are you doing today? Taking team pictures, having ice cream, timing the tropical storm's mini-meet....

5. What can't you stand? Pool bathrooms....really! The ones last night were fairly good for pool bathrooms, though.

6. Who's in the room with you? Mom

7. What are you looking forward to? My birthday!

8. What was the last book you read? Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

9. What do you hear? Maizy barking at me

10. You are feeling....: Tired...but awake....if that's possible

That was lots of fun! I award.....Jo!


Marina said...

The ones last night were REALLY good for pool bathrooms!

Marina said...

Is it possible to be tired...and asleep?

Olivia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Olivia said...

Interesting...I've never deleted a comment before...but don't worry everyone, it was mine. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you liked this! :) And I was happy to award you! :)