16 July 2010

Swim Meet: Greene Hills

Here we go again with yet another swim meet post. So I swam 18 (breaststroke, like normal), 28, 38, 58. They keep on putting me in breaststroke for the medley relays even though I thought I was really bad at breaststroke! Ugh...

(Note from Vivi: Gab always does this to my posts, so I thought I'd try it on hers! Hehehe....anyway. I'm swam 16, 36, 46, 56 and got (in the same order) 2nd, 4th, 3rd, and 1st. I was pretty disappointed about swimming backstroke...but I did ok for backstroke.)

Thanks a lot, Vivi. Anyway. We rode with our friends this time because Mom didn't want to bring Bug to the meet.
(You can barely see Annette in this picture, and you can JUST see the top of Carter's head if you look in between Micah and Emilie and behind the red cooler.)

So. This is how I did: 18 - 1st! by 0.56 sec., 28 - got 2nd (to Sophia) and dropped 0.25!, 38 - 4th and gained 0.6, 58 - 2nd and dropped 1.12.

It was really hot when we got there, so we made a fort-like thing with our towels for shade. It was hard without string, but we managed to do it and connect them all together! For our door we had a towel draped over the umbrella that was also there for our roof. Oh, and then we played Mafia inside our fort.
It's hard to see it in these pictures, though.

And then we swam...and swam and swam. I think that was one of the best meets we've had even though we lost it (533 to 559).

Sophia is second from the left; I'm in lane 6 at the far right.


Rebecca said...

Awesome pics!

Olivia said...

Thank you. (they weren't taken by me, though :)