09 December 2010

Thursday Afternoon Daybook

Outside my window...

The sun is shining...and it was 12 degrees out this morning!



I'm thinking...

About how Mom and Dad and Annette and Josie and Bug-bug are in Baltimore....

I'm currently reading...

I just finished Strength and Glory by T. Elizabeth Renich, I just read for religion Life of the Beloved by Henry something, And I'm going to be reading some bible reading for history this week.

I'm listening to...

Gab typing

I'm wearing...

My gray and pink/red and dark grey sweater dress with black leggings

I'm looking forward to...

The ACTS performance tomorrow night and a party that I'm going to on Saturday...

I'm hoping...

That the movie screening will be soon

Yesterday, I...

Went to Mass for the Immaculate Conception holy day of obligation...

Around the house…

It's actually quiet! Because everyone except Gab and I are gone...

I'm hungry for...

SUBWAY. Oh my goodness, that sounds SO good right now. I haven't eaten lunch yet, so...

The song stuck inside my head is…

Candlelight by The Maccabeats....betcha can't guess why. :P
"We say al hanissim

Oh yea for all eight nights

Then we play dreidel

By the candlelight

And I told you once

Now I told you twice

Bout the miracle

Of the candlelight"

I love…

Books that make me cry...and movies like that. Don't you love it when a book is sad enough to do that? I think it makes it good...

I loathe...

When Ellie whines at the door...she does it probably 10 times a day

From the kitchen…

Lunch soon. I'll have to see what we have.

School right now…

Oh, guess what! We're going to have a DEBATE in history chat! YAY!!! I'm really excited. It's going to be this topic: Who was a better leader--Moses or Joshua? What do y'all think?

What we’re planning for this week…

I already told y'all, but I'll repeat it. Tomorrow we have the ACTS performance and on Saturday I'm going to a party, and I have a make-up lesson for Viola, and HOPEFULLY we'll be able to do the screening then...

I am thankful for…

MUSIC. It's what keeps me alive...Just kidding. :P

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