22 December 2010

Christmas Tag

Ok...so yes, Jo...I have gotten a picture with Santa before, but I actually have never believed in him. Gab has too (when we were all...well....forced to with our adopted-grandma. ;)...but let me just do this because our answers would be very similar.

1. What is your one favorite dish to see on the table at Christmas dinner?
Hmm...Believe it or not, I don't know. That's kinda sad, isn't it?

2. Do you have a Nativity scene or a creche?
Haha. Is that really a question? Each of us girls (Gab, Me, Annette, Josie, and Mom) all have their own nativity scene made especially for us by our great-grandma...(they're really pretty. They're porcelain)...then there's the one we have up plus the numerous clay ones we have...
3. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
So hard! But I have to say, we just watched The Christmas Shoes and it was really good. Tell me if you can watch that movie and NOT cry. ;)

4. If you and your family could spend this Christmas in another country, where would you go?
I don't think I would go anywhere, even if I could.

5. Does your grandmother usually knit you something for Christmas, or does she give you something different -- say, a Wii?
No. Neither one knits. I usually get a coat from Oma and money/whatever I want from Gramma. (yes, that's how we spell it...right, Gramma?)

6. Have you ever gone out of the house wearing a reindeer headband? What about a Santa hat?
I actually don't remember specifically doing that...:P

7. Do you usually make or buy your Christmas gifts?
Usually mixture. Like this year. ;)

8. When do you set up your Christmas decorations?
Umm...well...uhh...we *usually* do it whenever we get to it which is usually near the beginning of December...but...umm...this year the lights came out late and the house decorations didn't get put up till...umm...yesterday. Yeah, I know. It's bad.

9. What kind of activities does your church usually have at Christmas?
This is a good question, because it means I get to tell y'all about MIDNIGHT MASS. Yes, it's just what it sounds like. Mass at midnight! So on Christmas Eve around 11:30 we pack up (at least, most of us) and head down to church. It's fun! And then you're excited during the entire mass because you know it's already Christmas!

10. Did you ever believe in Santa Claus as a child?
Nope. As I said before, I was never taught to believe in Santa.

11. Which of the Gospels gives your favorite account of the Christmas story?
I really don't know.

12. Have you ever acted in a Christmas pageant?
Not in a Christmas pageant...but in a Christmas-themed play! (yes, the same that Jo was in if I know what she's talking about...)

13. Do you buy Christmas presents for your pets?
No. Sad to say...:( But Ellie sometimes get flooded with treats....sometimes. ;) If we remember.

14. What is your favorite Christmas tradition?
I have too many. Let me list a few:

1. We always go to an asian buffet on Christmas Eve. It's a family tradition...don't ask me why.
2. Last year we didn't go to Midnight Mass, but have the previous years...I guess you could call it a tradition...
3. We usually come down the stairs and have breakfast/gifts in our pajamas. ;) I mean really...who would want to get dressed Christmas morning?
4. We always have sticky buns and sausage casserole for breakfast.
5. We always make wontons...well, we always *try* to...but I think maybe once we never got to it, and a couple times they've been less for Christmas and more for New Years.
6. We always watch a Christmas movie while!

We have more...I've probably forgotten a lot. :)

Oh, and I tag Katie and Emily!


Katie said...

Thanks for tagging me, Viv!

Näna said...

You guys do Asian food on Christmas Eve? Awesome! My Mom is Italian so we always do this very elaborate Italian cuisine:)

Olivia said...

Yup. I don't know how in the world that got started, though.

Molly said...

haha! :D we have cake for breakfast since it is Jesus' birthday. ;)