07 December 2010



So we have two tags to do now....1st from Emily, 2nd from Emily and Katie

SO sorry it took us so long, Emily!

Here are the rules: Delete the 1st five questions, answer the next 15, and then add 5 of your own onto the end! (Emily, I know...we changed it...we thought it would be more fun this way)

1. Whats your favorite color(s)? I like greens and blues and browns...(and lots of other colors, but I really like those three)

{I get these thingy things again...Gab gets to the tags first!}

2. What book(s) are you reading right now?

I am reading....this weird book about different types of religion for history. :P It's very long. Ask Viv if you don't trust me!

{The Bible...does that count? :)}

3. What sport(s) do you play?

Well, I bet you guys didn't know this, but I swim. :P

{I SWIM!!! I thought y'all already knew that one. :)}

4. What is your favorite place you've been on vacation?

Umm.......well I like it when we visit our cousins, so maybe San Destin...

{Hmm...Probably Destin. We usually go there around Thanksgiving...but we can't this year! We can't even go to Atlanta to see our cousins! It's very sad. :(}

5. How many siblings do you have?

Four! 3 gals and a guy! (and hoping for more)

{CAN YOU GUESS?? I'll just tell ya. :) Let's see...I have 4! One sister, one sister, one sister, and one cute, cute, lovable brother.}

6. Do you play any instruments?

The flute and ex-piano.

{I play Viola...and can play piano}

7. What's your favorite sport?

Sorry, guys, if this is getting boring, but of course I'd have to say swimming. ;)

{SWIMMING!!! Obviously. :)}

8. What's your favorite season?

That totally depends on which season I'm in!! I don't really have a favorite, actually, though...

{Hmm...well, I'm actually not sure. I like summer because that's where my birthday is and because summer swim team is in that season...but I like the weather in the fall and the spring, and I like the snow in the winter, so....}

9. What's your favorite piece of clothing you have?

Maybe like jeans?

{Ooh...hard one. Oh, never mind--not hard. JEANS. Have you figured that out yet?}

10. How old are you?

*starts singing* I am 15 going on 16...

11. Do you own any pets?

Well, our family has a sick dog, and Annette has a bunny that we're going to get rid of. Pleasant, isn't it?

{Well, our zoo is getting smaller and smaller...and right now we only have a bunny and a really old dog}

12. Are your walls painted?

(see Vivi's answer)

{Of my room?? They're VERY painted. They're painted with a whole scene thingy and balloons and kites and a fence and the sky...yes, they're definitely painted}

13. How many stories are in your house?

Basement, Main floor, Upstairs

{Three...not counting the attic}

14. Whats your favorite thing to do?

I don't have a favorite thing to do. I like to do SO many things!

{Umm...I like to cook...I like to sing...I like to do lots!}

15. What grade are you in?

9th (I'm not sure if being in HS is good...or bad...)


And for our questions...
16 (V). Had you ever had to go to the hospital as a patient (besides when your were born, of course!)?

No, thank goodness!!

{Yes. Definitely. I went to both hospitals in town, actually, when I had Appendicitis. I went to the ER at UVA Hospital and then had a CAT scan at Martha Jefferson and also had my surgery there.}

17 (V). What's the thing that you've prayed for the most?

Yep, probably baby.

{Probably another baby. :) We prayed years for Bug...and are praying now...}

18 (V). It's a Saturday afternoon. You...

uh, work on the daybook you forgot to do in the morning...

{Mow the lawn...with the riding mower.}

19 (G). Easter or Christmas??

That's hard, but Easter.

{Both. Couldn't pick one or the other...}

20 (G). What is the temperature outside right this very minute?

28 F, -2 C.
And we filmed part of our movie outside in the freezing (ahem...I mean BELOW FREEZING) cold!!! I had to use the frozen gyroscopic stabilizer thing that Micah made...We're insane...

...and for tag 2!!

If I were a gemstone, I would be a...........diamond I think (because you like CAN'T break them, and they can take on any color!).

{This Vivi in these annoying little squiggly thingys again...just add my answers to the end of the "if I were a..." and you're good! So...starting with...Ruby! My birthstone. ;) Plus, rubies are, I think, the second most expensive birthstone...and they're SOOO pretty}

If I were a scent, I would be the smell of chlorine (this might sound really strange to you guys, but just remember I swim).

{I would be...the smell of shampoo. It's in my hair very often}

If I were a pair of shoes, I would be some types of boots....

{I would be crocs...or the fake croc things that I wear every morning...forget what they're called}

If I were the weather, I would be a thunderstorm (NOT because I'm angry all the time...).

{If I was the weather, I'd make it snow 20 inches (like we got last year) one day, and then make it bright and hot the next, depending on what I felt like}

If I were a facial expression, I would be the look you get when you're trying not to smile...

{...and I'd be the smile that eventually comes}

If I were a car, I would be a blue pickup truck.

{I'd be a Lexis}

If I were a time of day, I would be the morning before the sunrise.

{Haha, me too}

If I were a month, I would be November. :)

{And I guess I'd be July}

If I were a place, I would be a skyscraper--with straight, clean lines.

{I'd be home. Our nice home with 4 bedrooms (and a basement suite)}

If I were a liquid, I would be gatorade.

{I'd be a frappuccino!! (that's a liquid...right?)}

If I were a taste, I would be coffee.


If I were a sea animal, I would be an otter.

{hmm...maybe me too....}

If I were a food, I would be chocolate ice cream. :P


If I were a color, I would be maybe this color…or this color.

{I'd be something like THIS or THIS or THIS (or a really bright pink...but they don't have that)}

If I were a musical instrument, I would be a _____ (no idea).

{I'd be a Viola}

If I were a flower, I would be a.....I don't know...something wild and crazy with lots of colors.

{Definitely a rose...preferably red}

If I were a song, I would be...no idea, but just for now I'll say "Get Back Up" - tobymac.

{Hmm...SO HARD!! Maybe (just maybe) Hallelujah by Heather Williams}

If I were a planet, I would be the one with microbes on it or whatever....

{Probably earth. It makes the most sense}

If I were an object, I would be a camera.

{Does a mouth count? Do you consider that an "object"??}

If I were a fruit, I would be a watermelon.


If I were a sound, I would be, uh, this...."HUM!!!!!!!" (like an exclamation-slash-sigh HUM!).

{I'd be this: "blah blah blah blah blah"}

If I were a day of the week, I would be Friday.

{Friday. It's the day that I have the least school...(of the week days}

We tag....(either or both tags)

Liza, Nana, Maya'lee, Adelyn

1 comment:

Emily said...

Those ARE long put together! Thank you for doing them!