22 October 2010

Friday Afternoon Daybook

I forgot to do my daybook yesterday...and haven't done if for the past few weeks for various reason...so I thought I'd better do one today.

Outside my window...

The sun is shining...and it's getting REALLY COLD!! In fact, I've been cold almost all day.


Tired...yet, I've already fallen asleep about three times today!

I'm thinking...

About how much history reading I have....

I'm currently reading...

The Bible. :) For History...

I'm listening to...

Mom on the phone. Did y'all know that I have an interesting phone voice?? It's really funny to hear some people talk on the phone...especially when they're leaving a message.

I'm wearing...

Tan corduroy pants that I already stained today, brown shirt, ponytail...

I'm looking forward to...

THE WEEKEND!!! Guess what it means! S-L-E-E-P

I'm hoping...

That my history reading will get done...

Yesterday, I...

Got a blister making caramelized pecans, finished my Quarter Review for Math, read the introduction for Romeo and Juliet for writing...

Around the house…

It's FREEZING!!! We seriously need some more blankets...

Oh, and Ellie (our dog) isn't doing so well...she's kind of...well, sick...

I'm hungry for...

I don't really know. I'm kind of hungry, but I want something sweet, but it can't be cold...

The song stuck inside my head is…

Well, earlier I was singing Get Back Up into my microphone at almost the top of my voice...Gab got part of that on video...it's pretty funny.

I love…

My new ring! Take a look.

I loathe...

Cold feet...and unfortunately I'll be having these a lot...

From the kitchen…

Breakfast was waffles with pie filling and whipped cream!!! They were really, really good. Hooray for Josie and Mom!

School right now…

History, history, history...

What we’re planning for this week…

Well, we have a pretty busy weekend. We're going to a couple parties...and get to spend time with a couple really good friends.

I am thankful for…

My down (is that how you spell it?) blanket...


Unknown said...

We're on the same week for writing then! Well, actually, I'm a week ahead of you. How fun!!!

Anonymous said...

It sound's like your house is REALLY cold! My feet are cold too, but I'm sitting on them right now the heat them up! A couple of parties hum................................ Maybe one at our house???????????????????????????


Madeleine said...

Oooh! I love the ring!
I would describe mine but I already told you about it :)

Like Titty said, would one of those parties be at our house? And maybe the other at Molly's?


Marina said...

Well....just MAYBE.....;)

Olivia said...

Yeah, only maybe...:)

Are you doing Academic II, Jo?