19 August 2010

Thursday Afternoon Daybook

Outside my window...

It's pretty nice. The grass is still dead, though.


Hungry...does that count?

I'm thinking...

About what to have to eat

I'm currently reading...

Nothing. I have a book on hold at the library book, so hopefully....

I'm listening to...

Dad just got home. He gets home early on Thursdays. Mom and Dad are talking.

I'm wearing...

Striped shirt, khaki-ish pants.

I'm looking forward to...

Tomorrow. We get to have friends over then!

I'm hoping...

That whatever I get to eat will be good!

Yesterday, I...

What did I do yesterday....hmm....Oh, yeah, I helped clean...and streamed a movie off Netflix.

Around the house…

The basement is slowly getting cleaned up...and we're getting ready for school.

I'm hungry for...

Well, I think I want a frappuccino and pizza. Yeah, that sounds good.

The song stuck inside my head is…

Something Holy by Stellar Kart. It was on the radio on the way home from Target.

I love…

When you're pretty sure that a homeschooling family is moving in down the street. We're really excited to meet them!

I loathe...

When you try to blow a bubble and it pops and the sticky mess gets all around your mouth.

From the kitchen…

Well, I'm hoping to do a cooking competition soon...

School right now…

Not yet, but SOON!

What we’re planning for this week…

Getting ready for school...and I don't know what we're doing this weekend.

I am thankful for…

School. It isn't my favorite, but I'm VERY thankful that I have a good education. So, actually, that makes my answer school and my parents.

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