13 November 2010

"Alex O'Donnell and the 40 Cyber Theives"

EDIT: (Gab here...) I thought it might be good to say something about the age level for these books...
Regina Doman's exact words on the question:
"Although the books were described by the reviewer as a "Catholic Nancy Drew", I believe that makes the books sound as though they are intended for a younger audience, which they're not. I would say the books are definitely for teenagers, and they definitely do go beyond the romance of the Barbie/Disney movies: not because the main characters behave unchastely (no way!) but because there are darker elements and threats in the stories that make them more "high school" than anything else.

I will say that all of these issues are deliberately dealt with in a very ambiguous manner, so that most of it will go over the heads of readers innocent of these issues. But my teenage heroes and heroines do fight real dragons that are out there in society today. [...]"

This is #5: Alex O'Donnell and the 40 Cyber Thieves by Regina Doman. And you probably guessed that this one is based after "Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves"...or Arabian Nights.

Alex O'Donnell just came home from college for the summer. Life at home is as it usually is (or so he thought) Mom on her crutches, Dad on his computer, and two little brothers keeping the house chaotic. But then he found the check.
"It was printed, like a payroll check, from the Sundance Fun Foundation, but the memo said "Winnings." Paid to "Cash" in the amount of $ 1,234,567.89. "This isn't real," Alex said. He flipped to the back of the check, expecting to see "This is a sample" inscribed in red on the back. Nothing. “This isn’t real,” he said, looking for a background printing, any sign that this was just a scam. “Nah. This isn’t real.”
It was only after the family had $1,234,567.89 extra in their bank account that Alex believed it.
And that's when everything started happening at once...

The O'Donnells are a not-exactl- usual, but not-exactly-unusual family. They're not well off, their dad is a hacker, their mom has muscular sclerosis, Alex does martial arts, and the boys play video games. And then, there's Kateri--Alex's girlfriend. And it just so happens that everything starts happening right before Kateri comes for a visit. And then Kateri gets swept into the life of the O'Donnell family. Unintentionally, of course.

The family just tried to get back to normal life then. They were trying not to use the money until Mr. O'Donnell found out where it came from. So, when the Mystery Money actually ended killing someone, that was a shock.

And it's only then that Mr. O'Donnell tells them what had really happened.

Then they buy a hotel. Big surprise. Literally. But they managed to buy it without using a cent of the Mystery Money. Kateri movies into the hotel as Assistant Manager, though she didn't really want to. And then one night, they find out that they're surrounded by thieves.

I can't tell much more without giving away too much, so I won't try.

A couple quotes:


Wrenching himself back and forth, Alex tossed and turned in the chair, straining this way and that, trying to find some give. Sweat poured out of him, he was exhausted, but he couldn’t give up. He couldn’t.

The chair toppled and fell forward, his head smashing on the base of the nearby table. His eyes spun around, and he struggled to remain conscious, breathing through his nose. He couldn’t throw up again with his mouth gagged, or he’d suffocate.

Feeling all resolve draining from him, he slumped, his forehead against the carpet, and tried hard to focus, to find that center of trust in God that had always seen him through the worst battles before. But the tangled images in his imagination cut into that center, jabbed knives into his chest as he tried again and again to calm his breathing and his heart rate.

It was hopeless. He knew it. A meaningless battle against despair.

There was nothing he could do.


Finally the mask was gone, and Kateri lay on the bed heaving and trying to breathe despite the unyielding ropes around her ribs, while the woman busied herself with the molded plastic.

“What are you doing?” Kateri managed to ask at last, trying to master the tears that still crowded her eyes.

“Making you,” the woman said, and held up the plastic. “I think it’s a pretty good likeness, don’t you?”

Kateri saw her own image looking back at her. She could tell the face was distorted with pain, but it was close enough.

The woman put down the rapidly-hardening mask and picked up a spray can of rubber foam. With quick and careful strokes, she prayed rubber compound onto the mask and turn it over for Kateri to see.

“Like it? So do I. Mostly because that means I’m done with you now,”” the woman said, her eyes gleaming through the pig mask. She set the mask down on the other bed and picked up the gun. She approached Kateri. “Say goodbye to living, chino girl.”

This is a good one...it's not quite as scary as the others (I think), but it's good, so again, DON'T MISS IT! I'm pretty sure this is the last one that Regina Doman has written (I think it just came out), but I'm also pretty sure that there are more to come, so keep a lookout for them. :)

So...my ratings:

Strength of characters: *****

Strength of plot: ***** (I know...but this one is really not that predictable...)

Over all rating: ****** (just one extra star....)

And if you want to here more about them just visit: http://www.fairytalenovels.com

There's actually a movie that they're making for the first book...


Näna said...

Sounds thrilling! I'll have to see if I can get it from the library:)

An interested 9 said...

Umm, what happened to Rose, Blanche, Fish, and Bear?

Marina said...

They're kind of just in the background now since this one is focusing on Rose's friend Alex...just like The Midnight Dancers where it focuses on Paul.

An interested 9 said...
