01 September 2010

Crazy 8's tag from Jo March!

(Thank you, Jo! [Jo is here])

(Vivi's comments are in brackets; my comments about my answers are in parentheses)

8 Books I've Read Recently...
  1. Sherlock Holmes, Vol. II [Little Women]
  2. Eragon [Pride and Prejudice]
  3. TIME Magazine article about actually how smart animals are [Sun Slower, Sun Faster]
  4. National Geographic magazine article about FFI (SO INTERESTING) [Ancient Egypt]
  5. Umm....the newspaper? [Haha...me too]
  6. A Study in Scarlet (SH) [Sense and Senibility]
  7. The Valley of Fear (another SH one...noticing a trend here?)
  8. Pride and Prejudice [Math book--Jacobs]
8 Songs or Albums I Listen to All the Time...
  1. Light Up the Sky - The Afters
  2. Say It - Britt Nicole
  3. Get Back Up - tobyMac
  4. Promise of a Lifetime - Kutless
  5. Born Again - Newsboys
  6. Keep Changing the World - Mike's Chair
  7. Something Holy - Stellar Kart
  8. Made to Love - tobyMac
(that was easy)
[Mine would probably be like exactly the same...wonder why]

8 Things I Love...
  1. reading and editing [cooking]
  2. frappuccinos [SAME!]
  3. singing
  4. swimming
  5. cooking [babies!(Bug in particular)]
  6. editing movies!! [Ignite242]
  7. script-writing (and other types)[Pizza!]

8 Things I've Learned This Year...
  1. that my little bro gets cuter every day! [seriously!]
  2. Sherlock Holmes is pretty much the best thing I've read all year... [That when you took Algebra last year...some of this year is gonna end up being review]
  3. about FFI and SFI
  4. How Subway sandwiches are better then home ones
  5. general relativity [when you put flyers in people's mailboxes about babysitting, you can get A LOT of replys]
  6. Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever’s left, however improbable must be the truth.
  7. grapes with whipped cream is actually really good.
  8. that I'm not QUITE as bad at breaststroke as I thought I was! [make that backstroke...]

8 New Recipes I Want to Try and Make by the End of the Year...

maybe like ceviche, risotto, or something like that....I definitely don't have 8, though. Sorry!

8 Favorite Online Hangouts...
  1. Gmail
  2. Blogger
  3. When I'm allowed to, google.
  4. PW's blog. Don't know what the address is...
  5. JSL.org
  6. FoodNetwork.com
  7. blog background places. ;) ;)
  8. other people's blogs ;)

8 Projects I Need To Work On...
  1. Flute music [sewing a dress we have a pattern for]
  2. History and Literature reading. :P
  3. 11 dolphin kicks off each wall....of course...
  4. Logic homework
  5. Sleeping
  6. Doing a lot of 50s on the 1:00 kick.
  7. Flip turns with a snorkel :P
  8. My SketchUp thing
8 Other People I Think Should Do This...

anyone who wants to!

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