Outside my window...
I think it might be raining...but if it isn't, it's going to. A storm's on it's way.
Happy...Thankful. ;)
I'm thinking...
How I forgot to do this last week. Oops!
I'm currently reading...
Well, I'm not in a 'fun book' at the moment. So I'll tell you that I'm reading the Bible for History.
I'm listening to...
An Engineering game playing on Gab's laptop. It get's kinda annoying.
I'm wearing...
Swim team shirt from...a couple years ago, jeans, my handy-dandy watch
I'm looking forward to...
Tomorrow! No math, no grammar, and we'll probably be going to some friends' house.
Saturday- BUBBLE UP (Bubble up is when the 'bubble' (it's looks like one) goes over the pool we swim in year round...the Gators pool)
I'm hoping...
That our religion conversation tomorrow won't take too long...
Yesterday, I...
Did three days of Science, lots of history reading, finished up my religion reading, and did two lessons of Math. In other words, yesterday I did school.
Around the house…
...is unusually clean. Some people cam today that were supposed to look around and decide the value of our house because we're changing how we pay for it or something like that...I don't quite get it.
I'm hungry for...
I'm actually NOT hungry....because I had a milkshake. But 15 minutes ago I was hungry....for a milkshake.
The song stuck inside my head is…
It used to be Free To Be Me by Francesca Battistelli, but then it turned into the song that was playing on Gab's laptop. ;)
I love…
I loathe...
When the Gators pool is filled with leaves, mulch, and dirt like it is now....and we're still swimming in it! Thank goodness for showers...
From the kitchen…
Josie and Mom have been preparing the most delicious breakfasts. They're done almost right after we shower which means they're nice and hot. Thanks Mom and Josie!
School right now…
Lots of it...especially History...and Math.
What we’re planning for this week…
On Saturday we're going to the river house of a doctor at Dad's office. We'll probably eat there...and do some other stuff.
I am thankful for…
Peace and quiet....when I have it!
Ooh... that milkshake sounds yummy! What kind did you make?
Well, we didn't actually make those, though homemade ones are the best. ;) Mom and Annette picked them up from Chick-fil-a.
I'm hungry for a milkshake...or one of your amazing fraps!
:P Maybe you can come over soon and I can make you one!
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