27 February 2011

What you get...

...when you combine Josie, a spatula, and key lime pie...

Gab - (she gets this from a certain Vivi Coulter)


Unknown said...

As I read this post I thought - Josie looks SO MUCH like Vivi did at that age!!!!!! :D

Love the new design - kudos to the designer! (Gab...)

Marina said...

Yes! That's why I added that little note at the end. :P

(why, thank you!)

Olivia said...

You remember that far back?? Scary...
But yeah. We have pictures of when I was about her age and I was almost an exact replica (or maybe I should say she is) of her...

Madeleine said...

It usually happens that way, the 1st and 3rd behaving similarly and the 2nd and 4th having similar characteristics......I wonder why....

Näna said...

I think Josie looks like a younger version of Vivi now.
Really, Leia? 1st and 3rd would be Jo and Titty, 2nd and 4th would be Leia and Marie...stop it right there! No this is not working:D

Marina said...

wait, though. Have you heard of the potential roommate arrangements (if they had two separate rooms)?

Olivia said...

No, Nana, to me it makes (almost) perfect sense...in fact, if you think about it, their hair and faces are even similar in that way!

Näna said...

Gab - ?

Vivi - Well, I guess in features they're alike (except for Jo and Titty)...I was thinking personality (Leia = Marie does not work):)

Marina said...

Apparently, they've decided the personalities that would best fit together in rooms are Jo/Titty and Leia/Marie...and they've decided what they're going to decorate their rooms like and all. ;)

Näna said...

Haha! That's hysterical. So Titty agreed to the Star Wars bed sheets;)