17 February 2011

Thursday Afternoon Daybook

Outside my window...
Sunny...it's been feeling like spring lately.
Ready to have my research paper DONE...but it's not. ;)
I'm thinking...
About how much left of my outline I have for this week...
I'm currently reading...
Just history reading. And science. And my research paper sources. And my notecards...You get the point. ;)
I'm listening to...
Love Is Here by Tenth Avenue North
I'm wearing...
Pink-striped sweater (was I wearing that last week?) and jeans
I'm looking forward to...
Tomorrow! It means we get to go to some friends' house, get to watch a movie, and get to stay up late. Well, later...
I'm hoping...
That I'll get a lot done today
Yesterday, I...
Did my history chat, worked a lot on my outline, did school...
Around the house…
There's a NEW COUCH coming today!!!!!! Remember this? Well, we had never actually gotten a new one after the old one got dumped away...we looked and looked but couldn't find one we liked a lot and that wasn't like extremely expensive. So...we just brought some chairs in from a different part of the house. But then Dad and Mom found one they really like! (to tell you the truth, neither Gab nor I have actually seen it...there were pictures, but...) So it's coming in today!
I'm hungry for...
LUNCH. Haven't eaten yet. Hmm...what sounds good...
The song stuck inside my head is…
Now You're Not Shaken by Phil Stacey is playing...we actually saw him perform this one at a concert a while ago...
I love…
Little brothers that insist that you "pat-pat" them when they go to bed. You wouldn't believe how much Bug-bug is talking! HE. IS. SO. CUTE. He can imitate almost anything you say. Oh and his "Amen" is really nice also.
I loathe...
When my algebra takes too long...
From the kitchen…
Leftovers for lunch...that's where I'll be heading after I'm done with this.
School right now…
Let's see. Do you really want to know? Ok...NYC research paper, Module #11 Science, History--Persia, Logic--conditional syllogisms, Algebra--fractions, Grammar--Test...and guess what? I had 3 tests today ALREADY!
What we’re planning for this week…
Going to a friend's house tomorrow, watching a movie, going skiing on Sunday (just a guess)...
I am thankful for…
Wonderful Macbooks that help me with my schoolwork...

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