24 February 2011

Thursday Afternoon Daybook

Outside my window...

It's raining! (Note: RAINING not SNOWING) It's finally getting to be spring! (not that I don't like winter, but...)


Hungry, tired, relieved that I finally get what I'm doing for my paper...

I'm thinking...

About all the little different aspects of NYC...you know, the 5 boroughs, the weather, the population...

I'm currently reading...

Well, I'd say nothing but that's not really true. I'm reading These Were the Greeks for history (*groan*)...and then I'm reading Surprised by Truth in the bathroom. (Ok, fine...yes, we have books in the bathroom and some of them are very interesting)

I'm listening to...

Gab's chair creek, my keys typing, Gab's keys typing...

I'm wearing...

Jeans, FLST shirt

I'm looking forward to...

Tomorrow and Saturday

I'm hoping...

That we'll get a good movie for tomorrow night

Yesterday, I...

Spent hours trying to come up with an intro for my Research paper...and then I ended up almost completely trashing it today...I almost completely redid it. *sigh* All that work for nothing...

Around the house…

We love our new couch! And Bug is bonking himself all over...and there's embossing power glittery stuff on the table (Annette has taken to embossing)...

I'm hungry for...

FRAPPUCCINO. I need one so bad...so I think I'm going to make one....

The song stuck inside my head is…

None, really...and then as soon as I get to this question I try to think of what song is in my head which makes me think of different songs which makes me try to think that one of them is in my head...

I love…

My bed. Who doesn't?

I loathe...

When my stomach feels weird...or when I'm too hungry...

From the kitchen…

Hopefully a frappuccino in the next few minutes

School right now…

My research paper is actually going better then I thought it would today...after yesterday (when it really didn't go too well), today has been pretty good so far...

What we’re planning for this week…

Movie (hopefully) tomorrow, plus a bunch of other stuff tomorrow, and we're going to have some friends for dinner on Saturday...

I am thankful for…

My blow dryer that makes my hair not look flat. :P

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