10 March 2011

Thursday Afternoon Daybook

Outside my window...

It's raining, it's pouring (not). Ok, it's not *quite* pouring...it's just...wet. I think we even got a flood watch around here...


Hungry (kind of), busy, energetic...

I'm thinking...

About lots of stuff...too much stuff...

I'm currently reading...

unPLANNED by (wait a minute while i google it...I don't want to go up stairs and get it) Abby Johnson. It's a really good book...it's about a lady who was a former abortion clinic director (get it? "PLANNED"??) and realizes just what they do there...you should read it!

I'm listening to...

Bug playing with toys, me typing, normal home sounds...

I'm wearing...

Jeans, green long-sleeved shirt with a black tank top under....and I'm hot.

I'm looking forward to...

This weekend, next weekend, when my research paper is OVER...

I'm hoping...

That we can go to the downtown mall again with Molly and others...:P

Yesterday, I...

Fasted, was starving, went to mass, got ashes on my forehead...sound familiar to anyone? I still haven't made up all the food I lost...;)

Around the house…

Buggy's toys are scattered. What else can you expect from an almost-2-year-old?? (Can you BELIEVE that he's almost 2?? He's getting way too big!)

I'm hungry for...

Let's see...maybe all the stuff I can't have...sweets, ice cream, frappuccino...:( Plus, Gab had to email me that Starbucks is having some kind of deal between now and Saturday...which means we can't go!! How mean is that?? :P

The song stuck inside my head is…

And orchestra song. It's called...I don't know how to spell it...

I love…

When we have a lighter week of history

I loathe...

The feeling of when your stomach's empty and you feel like you're pouring a drink right down into it...it's gross...

From the kitchen…

We tried to make Chipotle burritos for lunch...Mom had made some pork the other week that was pretty close to Chipotle's...and so today she tried to make the rice part...it was good, but I have to say the real thing is still a lot better....

School right now…

LAST WEEK OF RESEARCH PAPER!!! Which means tons of editing and lots of work...

What we’re planning for this week…

I don't really know what we're doing this weekend beside hopefully watching a movie tomorrow...

I am thankful for…

Friends that are willing to edit my VERY ROUGH draft of my research paper. ;)


Molly said...

haha, yes! i am hoping that too... ;-)
and yes, i didn't fast yesterday, but got the ashes! :D
and, i'm very sorry, but i'm afraid I was the one to bring up the Starbucks deal to Gab. :{ sorry! i forgot that you probably gave up sweets for Lent.... ;)
oh, and now it's lightening and thundering out. :D

Olivia said...

Well, I can still blame Gab 'cause she was the one that sent it to me...:P

Molly said...

haha, true. :P i wonder why she sent it..probably out of sisterly love. :-)