17 March 2011

stand stand for a tale so grand

Warning: Do not read any further if you are subject to a certain Maccabeats Syndrome. We will not be responsible if you're singing this song 24/7 after hearing it.

Warning 2: Maccabeats Syndrome is highly contagious. Anyone not subject to this syndrome will most likely be affected by it once exposed to the Purim Song. (In our homeschool group, after one mom discovered this song, within about 3 hours all the rest of our group was hopelessly under control of the Maccabeats Syndrome)

The same guys who wrote a parody of Dynamite, "Candelight", just wrote a song for Purim--this time a parody of "Raise Your Glass" by Pink.

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This is such a great video. And this Queen Esther certainly beats the armless, celery Esther from Veggie Tales.


Mrs. Coulter said...

I definitely have a bad case of Maccabeats Syndrome.....maybe the worst of the whole bunch!! ;-)

Unknown said...

*gasp* I...*cough*...am...*deep breath*...hopelessly *moan*....afflicted... *another gasp*....with...*cough*...Maccabeats Syndrome!

I've been singing "Candlelight" since December and right when I thought I was finally getting over it, we heard Dynamite at the bowling alley and it started all over again...and then now here's a whole new strain of the virus.

*sigh* Purim.

Olivia said...

Haha...those songs get stuck in your head and just WON'T GET OUT!! ;) We hear Dynamite so often in the early morning, that now I get the words of both songs all mixed up!