17 May 2011

yay! a blog parade!

(Now don't you just <3 that button?)

Thanks to Nana for hosting such a lovely blog parade and giveaway!
Her first question...

When did you first give your life to Jesus? How did He reach out to you? What was your first response?

Seeing as this question doesn't get specific (like baptism vs asking Jesus into your heart), I'm going to say April 2007 when we converted to Catholicism. That Easter Vigil, so far, was the best night of my life. I felt soaked in God's grace; the whole Church was soaked in God's grace through all the Sacraments going on (baptism, confirmation, and the Holy Eucharist). 
Soon after, the devil got back at us (yes, I do believe he was getting back at us after our conversion). Opa (grandpa in Dutch) fell on the tennis courts and fractured his skull. We waited--with him in the ICU--,praying for a miracle. During this time, our Aunt Monica (who was staying with us at the time because Opa was in the hospital) got appendicitis and had surgery. Dad got small bowel obstruction and had surgery. Then Opa died. 
How did God reach out to us? That year, we learned Mom was having a baby--one that we had prayed for for years. But Satan was still at work...

Later that year, Dad had to get neck surgery to fix something in his spinal cord. Then we learned Mom had placenta previa; she had to stay on bedrest and kept having to go the hospital because of bleeding. But when Bug was born in April 2009, we knew it was all worth it.
Now don't you agree?

Since then (did you think I was done?), my whole faith-life has changed. It's so different now. It was like before our conversion we were like "when will my life begin", and now we're like "I see the light" (ok, ok. I used the titles of songs from Tangled to help explain religion. haha oh, well...). I just feel like without the Sacraments where would I be, and who would I be...


Molly said...

awww....those pics of Bug are so sweet!! :D

Näna said...

Aww...Bug is so precious! Everything seems worth it when you get to look back from the other end and see how God was working through it all.

Thanks for joining in!
