27 June 2011

Monday Night Daybook

(hosted by Jo March)
Date... 27 June
Starting time... 8:13 pm
Outside my window...The sun's still out (weird how LONG it stays light in the summertime, isn't it?); the grass needs mown; and the roses are blooming.
I'm thinking...I *promise* I'll get more posts up soon--especially with the swim meets and all.
I'm currently reading...Appointment With Death by Agatha Christie (ok, so it sounds maybe like--who knows--some sort of weird zombie or vampire or ghost-type book, but Agatha Christie is one of those mystery writers that lived in the 20th century when vampires *weren't* thought to be dream boyfriends [*cough*STEPHANIE MEYER*cough*].)
I'm listening to...um. Jingle Bells playing on one of Bug's toys.
I'm wearing...gray shirt, khaki-type skirt
I'm looking forward to...tomorrow when I can see how my shirt turned out after the tie-dye experimentation (*crosses fingers*).
I'm hoping...no more bug bites, please. And while you're at that, no more allergies.
Yesterday, I...invaded FV pool!!
I'm hungry for...something sweet...with lots of sugar.
The song stuck inside my head is...pretty much any song from Enchanted. :P
I love...chocolate and cream puffs and strawberries
I loathe...allergies.
This week, my goal is...to read that book...the one that Mom wants me to. :P
Did I meet last week's goal?... ...............
Ending time... 8:27 pm


Molly said...

with 4 other fellow invaders!!! :D
fun times.... ;)

Mrs. Coulter said...

Nice goal!

Emilie M. said...

Why did you do a monday daybook?

Marina said...

Oh, you know. Monday Night football, Monday Night dancing, Monday Night bible study--it just worked.

Jk...erm, I just did it just because. :P