23 January 2012

pro-lifers unite!

On Saturday, I recited the pledge of allegiance to the United States for the first time in--er, I dunno--years?

(first swim meet evah that I've been to that's replaced the national anthem with the pledge of allegiance. ah, well. We spent most of it looking for the flag anyways [never found it].)

So we were reciting it, and you know how it goes...

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America [on second thought, if you're homeschooled, perhaps you instead recited the ten commandments or fruits of the spirit or something like we did], and to the republic for which it stands--one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Hm--"liberty and justice for all"? That's not how I would put it.

(evidence of our country's "liberty and justice for all")

Dear fellow pro-lifers,

Pray for babies! 
Pray that God will open the eyes of America to this horrible injustice! 
Pray to end abortion!

 { Oh, how I wish I was marchin' today... }


Emily said...

It's AWFUL, isn't it?

"Life begins at conception." -St. Gregory of Nyssa

Molly said...

oh yeah Hannah from co-op ( I don't know if you know her) went to the March! ;) cool!
ugh that picture of the woman with the "my baby is prochoice" is disgusting. you know, the moms are the ones we REALLY need to pray for....